Improve your game, develop fitness, make new friends, and receive expert coaching.
Weekend group sessions
Improve your game, develop fitness, make new friends, and receive expert coaching.

These popular sessions are held over the weekend from Friday evening to Saturday and are open to all. Trainees are put in groups according to age and experience – 4 -7yrs, 8 -11yrs, 12 -14yrs, 14-16yrs.

One to one coaching
Intensive individual support for noticeable improvements to your game

At ESM we take great pride in developing the three T’s – Talent, Technique & Temperament, hence intensive support, and noticeable improvements on the technical and psychological elements of young players games. 

Intense Elite coaching
Intense group coaching for advanced trainees.

These sessions are specifically for developing individual potential and are for our more advanced trainees. Elite Sessions are proving to be increasingly popular due to the noticeable improvements seen

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